Monday, March 10, 2008

Not to much to report

Well it has been a rather un-eventful weekend. Ephraim went to the doctor on Thursday for a checkup and was pronounced, well. Later that evening we did not sleep a wink due to the congestion he had. I think maybe the doctors want you to go in for these regularly scheduled visits so they can MAKE you sick and then reap the benefits. So this weekend Ephraim, Simeon, and Tristram all came down with some throat and nose issues. My In-laws came up to Colville to the "country" and Brought their computer for me to run updates on cause I have High Speed internet and they don't. Hmmm I live 5.5 miles north of a po-dunk small town and have Broadband and they live 5 miles out of a city and have crappy dialup. They did pick out a rental house in a hole. Literally in a hole. No Broadband Internet, no Cable TV, No Cell Service. They have one saving grace, Dish Network... HA HA.. So I downloaded like 300 MB of updates for their computer and loaded up the Scriptures onto his new phone/PDA. Work is slow so I'll probably be going snowmobiling again this week a few times. I'll try to take some more pictures.


At 4/22/2008 7:49 AM, Blogger Darin Stevens said...

Thank you


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