Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Isn't it nice how something can be great or horrible based on the glasses of perception that we look through?

I recently have been called:
  • Mean
  • Overbearing
  • Excentric
  • Lazy
  • Unable to give of myself
  • Rude
  • Belligerent
  • Patronizing
  • Dishonest
  • Two faced

and pretty much anything else that is bad that you can think of..............

I have also been called:

  • Nice
  • Flexible
  • Easy going
  • Self sacrificing
  • A hard worker
  • Giving
  • Courteous
  • Honest
  • Straight forward

and many other kind words.....

Isn't it amazing how everything looks to us just as we want it to? If we want it to be a really crappy day you have a really good chance of having a really crappy day. If you want to have a good day you have a really good chance that you will have a really great day. You reap what you sow. Have you ever heard someone say "Great! That is going to ruin my day!". Chances are you didn't do or say anything that they did not want you to.

So here is to personal perception. The magic thing that can put you on a pedestal one second and knock you flat on your butt the next.

And yes I love the critics. It lets me know that because I have critics I must be doing something right.

So raise a glass of whatever you drink to our many personal perceptions. It really makes the world a more colourful place. (unless you prefer it to be black and white)



At 6/09/2006 8:40 PM, Blogger Topher said...

You didn't mention "goofball," but then again, you're gone right now and I haven't had a chance to call you anything. Here, here to your post, though. It's all what you make it. So I'll raise my Caffine Free Diet Dr. Pepper to thinking positive, and calling people nice things. Unless they're mean.


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