Friday, July 07, 2006

One of those days.

Have you ever had one of those days? You know the ones that nothing goes right in it? Well mine has been a couple of consecutive days or has it been weeks. After lying awake in bed since 3am this morning I have decided to go ahead and write this.

For those of you who do not know I am sort of self employed. I own a company called Stevens International Enterprises Inc. Which owns a company called WiFiable LLC. Now just because I own them does not mean I am "rollin in it". I get paid just like everyone else, except I only get paid when there is money left AFTER paying for everything else. WiFiable has been my main source of income since I walked away from my "regular" job on January 3 of this year.

Many people tell me that they couldn't do what I have done etc. Well let me tell you that sometimes I don't like doing it either. I believe that some of my aquaintances also think that I sit around and do nothing all day. Yes I do get to see my family all day, hang with them, eat with them, watch a little TV with they boys from time to time, but there is a major flipside too. Work does not start at 8 and end at 5, ever. Work can be and is sometimes around the clock. Customers can call me at 2am and I have to put on a chipper happy tone. "Can I Help you?" Sometimes I have had to leave in the middle of dinner to drive 3+ hours to middle of nowhere Oklahoma and fix something that takes 30 minutes and drive home that night. I also do not get paid like a "normal" job. Sometimes I'll get $25,000 in a week, then I have to pay employees, Travel Expenses, Insurances, Equipment rentals, etc. then sometime later I get paid. Sometimes I don't get paid. sometimes the customer for some insane reason thinks they can pay their Net 30 bill in Net 150.......

Anyway point being, the grass is not always greener. Don't ever tell me that I "have it so good" or you might get a call from me some morning at 3 am asking if you want to accompany me on a short 4 hr drive to climb a 130' tall 1' wide tower and (literally) hang out there till the problem is fixed.

Not to menton the stress that can creep into home life. The next time your wife (or significant other) asks you how much the paycheck was this week tell them that there wasn't one and you have no idea when the next one will come.... See how well that goes over.

Rant over.......


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