Sunday, June 25, 2006

Two for Togetherness

I was tagged on this questionaire from a friend of mine. Here are my responses.

Two things you compliment your wife on while in her presence:
1. She is beautiful.
2. She is a great mother.

Two compliments you make about your spouse to your friends:
1. She is very supportive and understanding of me.
2. She is a great cook.

Two traits you married him/her for:
1. We shared many common goals/ideals.
2. She allowed me to be myself and felt comfortable with me.

Two days you cherished the most being together:
1. The day I was sealed to her in the temple. She looked like a princess in her dress, and I was just in heaven looking at her.
2. The day our son Tristram was born. She labored for 17 hours with that little guy and he just was not coming out that way. She had to go in for an emergency C-Section and I remember walking into the OR and she was already cut open and there were pieces of her hanging out. They slid me behind the curtain and I just held her hand thinking please put her back together correctly. She was extremely wiped out and I was able to just sit in the recovery room holding our first son in my arms and watching her sleep.....The start of our little family.

Two material things you could give your wife if you just inherited a fortune:
1. I would pay off the house, and cars and pre-pay all our bills like phone, gas, electric etc for 10 years. It would make her sleep easier.
2. I would hire a housekeeper and a nanny so she would have to clean less and could get out of the house a little more often.

Two things you would miss the most if she/he left for two weeks:
1. I would really miss her company. I have had to go out of town for that length of time and it is no picnic. She is so fun to be around. I really missed her just being there for me to talk to.
2. I would miss the fact that she keeps me on task. Being employed at home it is difficult to sometimes stay on task. She keeps me thinking about the important things.

Two thoughts that crossed your mind when you first met/saw your spouse:
1. She has really really pretty eyes, that part really stood out to me.
2. I hope she doesn't have a boyfriend.

Two favorite dates:
1. We went to the Madrid dance club and had some free salsa lessons and then we danced for a while, got home half an hour late and the babysitter's mom now hates us. - Long story.
2. One time before we got married we went to Adam-Ondi-Ahman and had a picnic lunch together. That was the day I knew I was supposed to marry her.

Two funny odd things you love:
1. I think the way that Chanel does laundry is really funny. She puts the clothes in a huge muck bucket, takes it to the wash, washes it, hours or a day later the laundry gets rotated, then it ends up in the same muck bucket, looks just like the dirty laundry. Then later it sometimes makes it's way to the TV room and gets dumped out on the couch, folded and put back in the muck bucket. (sometimes the folding in front of the TV step is skipped when i get involved.) It eventually makes it back up to the room and then I slowly wear it out of the bucket. If it is not in my drawer or closet I know to look in one of the huge buckets located somewhere in the house. I know I can be a real heel sometimes and I tease her about it but deep down I really think it is funny.
2. I like the pet names she gives to our kids. Pookie, Stink-Butt, Stinky, Bodie, Bebes, Slobber-King, Toother, Squirt-Butt and many many more. I swear she makes them up and they rock.

Two places you have lived with your spouse:
1. Hamilton, KS - 10 months. It was a steping stone in my carreer and Chanel was not excited at all to be living there. But I respect and love her for supporting me and not being negative about it. We lived in a rental house that cost $250 a was a hole. We relied on each other a lot there.
2. "The Big House" in Kansas City, KS as our son Tristram puts it. The eternal work in progress. If you haven't heard already we have a huge old house. we basically rebuilt it from the inside out. What a project and still lots to do.

Two favorite vacations:
1. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We went for 10 days no kids, just some friends and stayed in the penthouse at rancho banderas villas - a 5 star resort.....Needless to say it was beautiful.
2. Lake Powell, UT. We got to go out for a week on a house boat of a friend of ours. It was so wonderful.

Two People I am tagging:
I don't really know anyone else who blogs.


At 6/29/2006 8:26 PM, Blogger Topher said...

Finally. We've been waiting to see what you'd write. I'll have to check out Chanel's blog to see if she's answered.


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