Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mutual Night & Scouting

Well Tonight is Mutual.

Upon leaving KS I was released from my calling in the Young Men's Presidency. Upon arriving here I was called to the Young Men's Presidency. My calling is the 2nd counselor and scoutmaster this time. Now I never received my Eagle and honestly I do not regret it. There was a woman at church the week I received the calling that patted me on the back in the hall and said "That will be a great calling for you Darin, you were an Eagle Scout right?" I replied "Nope" She proceeded to look at me and said "Don't worry, the scouting program isn't too hard to understand, you should be able to figure it out" as if I were some sort of Idiot.

On other occasions we'll hear people from Utah (typically General Authorities) state "The odds are far greater that a young man that achieves Eagle will serve and honorable full time mission." Does that mean because I served an honorable full time mission that I somehow beat the odds? Am I an anomaly? I know a bunch of people that were eagle scouts and didn't serve missions and are complete butt heads.

Anyhow, tonight is mutual night. I have a small group of scouts that are a kick in the pants to work with. I am trying my best to help them get their Eagle if they want it but I refuse to be the leader that forces it down the throat of every young man regardless if they want it or not.

Thanks for listening.




At 9/25/2007 8:07 PM, Blogger Topher said...

I thought maybe Internet hadn't been invented in Washington yet, so I'd stopped checking your blog. Looks like you're blogging again. AMEN and AMEN to this post, brotha'. You know I'm right there with ya. I have two new counselors now, and we're trying to get new things going. The YM are all the same as usual - that's mostly good.

Email me your phone number. I tried calling a while back, but your number had changed. I stopped by the big house tonight to drop something off to the elders, and man, the memories...



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